Tree View Pattern

About This Pattern

A tree view widget presents a hierarchical list. Any item in the hierarchy may have child items, and items that have children may be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the children. For example, in a file system navigator that uses a tree view to display folders and files, an item representing a folder can be expanded to reveal the contents of the folder, which may be files, folders, or both.

When using a keyboard to navigate a tree, a visual keyboard indicator informs the user which item is focused. If the tree allows the user to choose just one item for an action, then it is known as a single-select tree. In some implementations of single-select tree, the focused item also has a selected state; this is known as selection follows focus. However, in multi-select trees, which enable the user to select more than one item for an action, the selected state is always independent of the focus. For example, in a typical file system navigator, the user can move focus to select any number of files for an action, such as copy or move. It is important that the visual design distinguish between items that are selected and the item that has focus. For more details, see this description of differences between focus and selection and Deciding When to Make Selection Automatically Follow Focus.



Terms for describing tree views include:

An item in a tree.
Root Node
Node at the base of the tree; it may have one or more child nodes but does not have a parent node.
Child Node
Node that has a parent; any node that is not a root node is a child node.
End Node
Node that does not have any child nodes; an end node may be either a root node or a child node.
Parent Node
Node with one or more child nodes. It can be open (expanded) or closed (collapsed).
Open Node
Parent node that is expanded so its child nodes are visible.
Closed Node
Parent node that is collapsed so the child nodes are not visible.

Keyboard Interaction

For a vertically oriented tree:


  1. DOM focus (the active element) is functionally distinct from the selected state. For more details, see this description of differences between focus and selection.
  2. The tree role supports the aria-activedescendant property, which provides an alternative to moving DOM focus among treeitem elements when implementing keyboard navigation. For details, see Managing Focus in Composites Using aria-activedescendant.
  3. In a single-select tree, moving focus may optionally unselect the previously selected node and select the newly focused node. This model of selection is known as "selection follows focus". Having selection follow focus can be very helpful in some circumstances and can severely degrade accessibility in others. For additional guidance, see Deciding When to Make Selection Automatically Follow Focus.
  4. If selecting or unselecting all nodes is an important function, implementing separate controls for these actions, such as buttons for "Select All" and "Unselect All", significantly improves accessibility.
  5. If the nodes in a tree are arranged horizontally:
    1. Down Arrow performs as Right Arrow is described above, and vice versa.
    2. Up Arrow performs as Left Arrow is described above, and vice versa.

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties


  1. Some factors to consider when choosing whether to indicate selection with aria-selected or aria-checked are:
    • Some design systems use aria-selected for single-select widgets and aria-checked for multi-select widgets. In the absence of factors that would make an alternative convention more appropriate, this is a recommended convention.
    • The language of instructions and the appearance of the interface might suggest one attribute is more appropriate than the other. For instance, do instructions say to select items? Or, is the visual indicator of selection a check mark?
    • It is important to adopt a consistent convention for selection models across a site or app.
  2. Conditions that would permit a tree to include both aria-selected and aria-checked are extremely rare. It is strongly recommended to avoid designing a tree widget that would have the need for more than one type of state. If both states were to be used within a tree, all the following conditions need to be satisfied:
    • The meaning and purpose of aria-selected is different from the meaning and purpose of aria-checked in the user interface.
    • The user interface makes the meaning and purpose of each state apparent.
    • The user interface provides a separate method for controlling each state.
  3. If aria-owns is set on the tree container to include elements that are not DOM children of the container, those elements will appear in the reading order in the sequence they are referenced and after any items that are DOM children. Scripts that manage focus need to ensure the visual focus order matches this assistive technology reading order.