Table Pattern

About This Pattern

Like an HTML table element, a WAI-ARIA table is a static tabular structure containing one or more rows that each contain one or more cells; it is not an interactive widget. Thus, its cells are not focusable or selectable. The grid pattern is used to make an interactive widget that has a tabular structure.

However, tables are often used to present a combination of information and interactive widgets. Since a table is not a widget, each widget contained in a table is a separate stop in the page tab sequence. If the number of widgets is large, replacing the table with a grid can dramatically reduce the length of the page tab sequence because a grid is a composite widget that can contain other widgets.


As with other WAI-ARIA roles that have a native host language equivalent, authors are strongly encouraged to use a native HTML table element whenever possible. This is especially important with role table because it is a new feature of WAI-ARIA 1.1. It is thus advisable to test implementations thoroughly with each browser and assistive technology combination that could be used by the target audience.


Keyboard Interaction

Not applicable.

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties


If rows or cells are included in a table via aria-owns, they will be presented to assistive technologies after the DOM descendants of the table element unless the DOM descendants are also included in the aria-owns attribute.