Menu and Menubar Pattern

About This Pattern

A menu is a widget that offers a list of choices to the user, such as a set of actions or functions. Menu widgets behave like native operating system menus, such as the menus that pull down from the menubars commonly found at the top of many desktop application windows. A menu is usually opened, or made visible, by activating a menu button, choosing an item in a menu that opens a sub menu, or by invoking a command, such as Shift + F10 in Windows, that opens a context specific menu. When a user activates a choice in a menu, the menu usually closes unless the choice opened a submenu.

A menu that is visually persistent is a menubar. A menubar is typically horizontal and is often used to create a menu bar similar to those found near the top of the window in many desktop applications, offering the user quick access to a consistent set of commands.

A common convention for indicating that a menu item launches a dialog box is to append "…" (ellipsis) to the menu item label, e.g., "Save as …".


Keyboard Interaction

The following description of keyboard behaviors assumes:

  1. A horizontal menubar containing several menuitem, menuitemradio, or menuitemcheckbox elements.
  2. Some menuitem elements in the menubar have child submenus that contain vertically arranged items.
  3. Some of the menuitem elements in the submenus have child submenus with items that are also vertically arranged.

When reading the following descriptions, also keep in mind that:

  1. Focusable elements, which may have role menuitem, menuitemradio, or menuitemcheckbox, are referred to as items.
  2. If a behavior applies to only certain types of items, e.g., menuitem elements, the specific role name is used.
  3. Submenus, also known as popup menus, are elements with role menu.
  4. Except where noted, menus opened from a menubutton behave the same as menus opened from a menubar.

When a menu opens, or when a menubar receives focus, keyboard focus is placed on the first item. Because menubar and menu elements are composite widgets as described in the practice for Keyboard Navigation Inside Components, Tab and Shift + Tab do not move focus among the items in the menu. Instead, the keyboard commands described in this section enable users to move focus among the elements in a menubar or menu.


  1. Disabled menu items are focusable but cannot be activated.
  2. A separator in a menu is not focusable or interactive.
  3. If a menu is opened or a menubar receives focus as a result of a context action, Escape or Enter may return focus to the invoking context. For example, a rich text editor may have a menubar that receives focus when a shortcut key, e.g., alt + F10, is pressed while editing. In this case, pressing Escape or activating a command from the menu may return focus to the editor.
  4. Although it is recommended that authors avoid doing so, some implementations of navigation menubars may have menuitem elements that both perform a function and open a submenu. In such implementations, Enter and Space perform a navigation function, e.g., load new content, while Down Arrow, in a horizontal menubar, opens the submenu associated with that same menuitem.
  5. When items in a menubar are arranged vertically and items in menu containers are arranged horizontally:
    1. Down Arrow performs as Right Arrow is described above, and vice versa.
    2. Up Arrow performs as Left Arrow is described above, and vice versa.

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties


If aria-owns is set on the menu container to include elements that are not DOM children of the container, those elements will appear in the reading order in the sequence they are referenced and after any items that are DOM children. Scripts that manage focus need to ensure the visual focus order matches this assistive technology reading order.